Such a personal project must be adapted to the specific needs of each client. Therefore, the different providers always ask for a little patience before answering that important question: how much does it cost to create a web page?

Building a website is a great planning exercise and when we get down to business it can be difficult to know where to start. This is normal. Such a personal project must be adapted to the specific needs of each client. Therefore, the different providers always ask for a little patience before answering that important question: how much does it cost to create a web page?

There are important reasons for not exactly answering “How much?” in a quick first conversation. But neither are we going to hide behind the fact that “it all depends.” Some tools such as the Excel template to calculate how much it costs to create a web page included in the linked article help estimate budgets to have an initial idea before starting contacts with suppliers.

However, before taking out the calculator, a warning for surfers: the price can range between zero and more than ten thousand rupees, depending mainly on the size of the website and the functionalities it integrates. So, these basic guidelines that determine the budget can be extremely helpful in knowing how to calculate it.

The Website is Part of a Digital Strategy

Having a website is not about a procedure like registering for Social Security or opening a bank account. A website is one piece of a broad strategy: the brand image that the organization is going to convey.

The brand is not something reserved exclusively for large multinationals: it is simply the image that people form about our company or organization when they meet it. So, whether we are aware of it or not, our business has a brand and the website is an element of it.

The digital strategy of a company seeks to position its brand on the Internet as well as possible and for that, the website is not the only resource. Other prominent channels are newsletters and social networks, as well as automated marketing actions to optimize the acquisition of traffic and the conversion of visitors into customers.

Therefore, a first step to start the house from the foundations and think of a marketing plan before calculating the specific budget of the website, as well as the resources that we are going to spend on it. It will be easier to specify a web budget if we know in advance how much we can invest in services such as the installation of Google AdWords or SEO optimization. These optional services can cost between 10,000 and 30,000 rupees, but they can also make the difference between a profitable website and one that is not.

In the same way, it will also be important to think about graphic design as a previous step to creating a web budget. The logo, the colors, the shapes and, above all, the coherence between all these elements must have continuity on the website and will considerably condition its design. Creating a web page implies deciding whether it is worth investing in a custom template or opting for a standard one, or whether it is better to take advantage of it to design a personalized visual identity now. This item of the budget can range between 5,000 and 20,000 rupees approximately depending on these specificities.

In short, we must define what we want a web page for before we start to calculate how much it is going to cost us. If we do not have a lot of budgets, we will be forced to prioritize, of course. However, do not lose your long-term vision. The digital strategy is an investment that does not have an immediate return.

“Dress me slowly because I’m in a hurry” is generally good advice in these cases. Publishing a website without a digital strategy or a coherent visual identity may seem relatively simple, but sooner or later we will be forced to think about these business needs. A corporate strategy that establishes reliable growth forecasts and includes the digital strategy globally from the beginning will prevent us from undoing steps that we have taken in error.

Website Type

After prior reflection on the marketing strategy, we can now start thinking about the specific type of website we want to create. It is not necessary to have a state-of-the-art website full of special features in all cases. The important thing is that it is planned consistently.

Remember that a website is made up of several web pages. The complexity can vary a lot and this will be the second important aspect that will define the price of a web page.

Most of the web pages are built from templates programmed in the HTML and CSS languages. Depending on how personalized they are, the website will have more personality and will differentiate itself from the competition. Naturally, this will have an impact on the budget. You should foresee between 100 and 300 for the adaptation of the template and about 100 for integrating each page of the site.

Other features that will determine the price of a web page are the basic or advanced mobile version, blog, forum, slider, image, or video galleries, etc.

If we have an e-commerce project (that is, online sales), we will need a more complex website structure, with many more pages. Typically, one per product in addition to sections, categories, the home page, etc. Resources for online sales, which can be simple or advanced, will also condition the budget.

Cost overruns are more unexpected than it seems

Even if we want to have a simple website, we will not be able to worry about it once it is finalized and published. In addition to creation costs, we must anticipate future web maintenance costs. We are not even talking about keeping it up to date (which of course we will also have to do).

This maintenance budget includes, first, the domain name and hosting, expenses that are necessary even in the simplest web page and that will entail a minimum cost of about 5000-10000 rupees per year.

Also, web maintenance, the main “extra cost” that we underestimate when calculating a web budget, has the following basic objectives:

Verify that the website works correctly. From time to time, you must check that the parameters are correct, etc.

Updates to the files, plugins, extensions, and other resources used on the website

Optimize traffic acquisition. It will be necessary to check that the SEO positioning is still adequate, change the web hosting if the site traffic has increased considerably, etc.

Repair technical problems that may appear related to loading speed, SEO, web architecture, etc.

The maintenance budget can range from 200 to more than 2,000 per year depending on the level of services contracted.

Other frequent “cost overruns” are simply due to exchanges with the provider while the website is being created. In principle, we present our conditions to him and he creates the website and publishes it; But the reality is more complex. There are usually changes, new ideas, etc. As well as certain functionalities that must be reviewed because when you see them, they are not the same as on paper.

Now yes: is it possible to estimate concrete figures for the price of a web page?

We have already seen the most common conditions of a web budget and the main options for hiring the service. Once we are clear that it is not a closed budget, it is possible to estimate some figures taking as a reference to the Spanish market in 2020.

Simple Showcase Website: Up to 10 Pages Approx.

If we hire professional services to create a website, we can estimate a budget between 400 and 4000, based on variables such as those we have presented in the article.

More complex website or small online store: up to 100-150 pages approx.

We remember that, if you are planning an e-commerce website, the main variable is the number of products, since each of them needs its page. As the project becomes more complex, the price range is also wider. If we hire professional services, the estimated budget can range between 15,000 and 40,000 rupees. If you think of an online store, the minimum will be more like 10000 or 30,000 rupees.

Large Web Portal: More than 150-200 pages and advanced features

If we are thinking about a large website or if we need to sell many products, it means that our website is a key piece of our business strategy and therefore it will be more likely that we are aware of the need to plan well the budget. We will start from a minimum estimate of about 10,000-50,000 and at most we do not dare to fix any figure. The websites of large multinational companies can easily reach budgets of hundreds of thousands of rupees.


In most cases, when we set out to create a website, we do not know all that it entails. Often the initial perception is that of management (or in the worst case “an obligation”) and only when we get down to work do we realize its potential and the real opportunities that a good website offers. Therefore, rushing is not a good counsellor. It is good to take our time to see why we want to be on the Internet and what benefit we can get from it before answering the question “How much does it cost to create a web page”.

The points we have mentioned in this article are the first step to narrow the price range a bit, but it is still wide. The template linked at the beginning of this article will help us to have a first estimate, but it will only be the first step and always an approximation. If this article tries to show something, it is that each project is different.

After the initial contact, exchanges between supplier and customer are necessary and enrich the project. As we shape the digital strategy, we will be able to obtain more concrete figures for the price of our website and, more importantly, know what exactly that investment is going to affect.

Rajesh Kumar

Rajesh Kumar

Web Development Specialist at SEMReseller

  • Web Development
15 Sep 2020


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